Time: 2 September – 19 December 2024
Place: Online studies
Extent: 5 ECTS credits
Target group: Everyone interested in the topic
Please notice that from September 1, 2024 onwards, only students with a Finnish social security number (i.e. a personal identity code) can start their studies on Xamk Pulse’s courses. You can read more here.
Lecturer: Maria Kangasniemi-Haapala, email: maria.kangasniemi-haapala@xamk.fi
Credited in degree at Xamk: All Master level degrees at Xamk
Area of competence mentioned in Curriculum: Complementary competence
Enrolment by: 21 August 2024
Price: EUR 25 / credit or semester fee EUR 175.
You can read more about our payment policy here.
Please notice that his course is not free of charge!
Please note that enrolment for Xamk Pulse studies is binding, and it is not possible to cancel a student place free of charge. After receiving a student place, you will be charged a fee according to our price list. The fee will not be refunded even if you discontinue your studies. However, if you will not be starting your studies, please let us know in good time so that we can remove you from the course. This way, there will not be a record of an incomplete course in your information in Peppi. Cancellation must be sent to openstudies@xamk.fi.
Please, notice that the fee for one semester will not be refunded, if the combined fees for your chosen studies remain below EUR 175 or you cancel your studies.
Note that you can enrol for Open UAS studies at the maximum of 50 ECTS credits per semester. One person’s enrolments exceeding 50 ECTS credits are deleted in the enrolment order. Paying attention to this is important when planning your studies.
Please also notice that
Xamk degree students cannot enrol on Open UAS courses.
Learning outcomes:
You are able to systemically organize and internalize relevant trends for strategic decision making to analyze and improve design and business strategies
You are able to create and develop the strategy process of the company or organisation.
You are capable of utilizing design and business thinking tools in problem solving process
Contents and methods:
How to improve own and team´s strategic thinking?
How to implement and evaluate strategy and strategy process?
How to use different kind of management tools to create a holistic approach for strategic management?
There are no teamwork and no live lectures in the course. Learning tasks are carried out during the course. No exam.
The course covers 5 ECTS credits, totalling 135 hours of student work. The number of hours is theoretical and varies according to student effort.
Study material:
Provided by the lecturer on Learn platform.
Assessment methods and criteria:
a. to find, study, produce and evaluate critically multidisciplinary data in their field of expertise.
b. to solve demanding problems in research, development and innovation
c. to evaluate different strategic approaches and justify their use in terms of management and development.
Assessment scale: 1-5
The Transcript of records will be delivered automatically by email in PDF form. You can read more about the the Transcript of records on: Information on Open UAS, Xamk Pulse studies.
This course is based on the curricula of Xamk's degree programmes and the Finnish credits are fully compatible with the ECTS.
Additional information on enrolment:
Xamk Pulse, openstudies@xamk.fi.
Before the course starts, you'll receive a course invitation by email.
Please note that there can be changes in the course details in terms of the timetable and teachers, for example.
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences is audited by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC).