Time: Students can start their studies approximately within a week after enrolling on this course. The estimated time for completing this course is two months.
Place: Online studies
Extent: 5 ECTS credits
Target group: Everyone interested in the topic
Lecturer: Course is completed independently
Credited in degree at Xamk: All bachelor level degrees
Area of competence mentioned in Curriculum: Optional studies
Enrolment by: 8.10.2023
Price: Free of charge
Note that you can enrol for Open UAS studies at the maximum of 50 ECTS credits per semester. One person’s enrolments exceeding 50 ECTS credits are deleted in the enrolment order. Paying attention to this is important when planning your studies.
Please also notice, that
Xamk degree students cannot enrol on Open UAS courses.
Learning outcomes:
Students can describe the central role of contracts in business relations.
Students are familiar with the requirements and consequences of contractual obligations.
Students are able to evaluate the contractual risks for an organisation and take them into account when contracts are being made.
Students are able to explain to the seller and buyer how a binding sales contract is made, and what their rights and obligations are in the sale of goods.
Students are able to recognize the need to protect intellectual property rights and plan marketing operations that will not infringe the rights of others.
Contents and methods:
What are the general principles of the contract law?
What are the special characteristics of the main types of contracts in business?
What are the consequences of a breach of contract?
How can the contractual compensation for damages be determined in contractual relations?
How is a binding sales contract made and under what conditions will a contract be invalid?
What are the rights and obligations of the seller and buyer in the sale of tangible goods?
How do B-to-B and consumer sales differ?
How can a business protect its rights?
How should intellectual property rights be taken into account in marketing?
The course consists of three main components:
A. Section Basics of Finnish contract law. The part is carried out on one mandatory exam.
B. Section Basics of Finnish consumer law and intellectual Property rights. The part is carried out on one mandatory exam.
C. Section Details of the topic of the course. The part is carried out on one mandatory text exam.
The course is based on the student's own independent work and it is automated. The calculation of execution points is also fully automated.
The course covers 5 ECTS credits, totalling 135 hours of student work. The number of hours is theoretical and varies according to student effort.
The course is automated and includes 2 exams and 1 text exam related to study materials.
The students can complete the exams according to their own schedule according to their completion time window. The timetables given must be respected.
Study material:
The study material is presented in more detail on the Learn page of the course.
Some of the study materials deal specifically with Finnish contract law and commercial law. The other part of the material deals more generally and internationally with agreements and other matters covered by this course.
Most of the material is linked to the Learn page of the course.
Books (available from XAMK's Kaakkuri Library as an e-book):
– Sund-Norrgård Petra: Contract Law in Finland (2017) or e-book.
– Book: Surakka Aapo: Access to Finnish Law (2012) or e-book (partly)
– Guidetexts, Contract Law and Intellectual Property (linked to Learn pages)
– Separate relevant texts and videos picked up by the teacher for a text task (Exam 3) (Linked to Learn pages)
Videos: Picked up by teacher (linked to the Learn pages)
Students know how to
a. systematically use professional vocabulary
b. look for information in the key information sources of the field
c. work together with customers, users and target groups
The course is automated. The evaluation is based entirely on the total number of points received from online exams.
Assessment grade: 0-5
Transcript of records will be delivered by request by email in PDF form.
This course is based on the curricula of Xamk's degree programmes and the Finnish credits are fully compatible with the ECTS.
Additional information on enrolment:
Open University of Applied Sciences office, email: openstudies@xamk.fi.
Terms of cancellation:
If you are not able to participate in the course, please let us know as soon as possible by email openstudies@xamk.fi.
Before the course starts, you'll receive an invitation by email to this course.
Please note that there can be changes in the course details in terms of the timetable and teachers, for example.
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences is audited by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC).