Time: 16.1.-30.4.2023
Place: Online studies
Extent: 5 ECTS credits
Number of study places: 20
Target group: Everyone interested in the topic
Required previous skills: Attending the course requires completing the course Finnish 3 or having corresponding skills in Finnish. Attending the course also requires English skills enabling academic studies and some IT skills.
Lecturer: Xamk lecturer
Credited in degree at Xamk: All Bachelor level degrees
Area of competence mentioned in Curriculum: Optional studies
Enrolment by: 8.1.2023
Price: EUR 12 / credit or semester fee EUR 175. You can read more about our payment policy here.
Please, notice that the fee for one semester will not be refunded, if the combined fees for your chosen studies remain below EUR 175 or you cancel your studies.
Note that you can enrol for Open UAS studies at the maximum of 50 ECTS credits per semester. One person’s enrolments exceeding 50 ECTS credits are deleted in the enrolment order. Paying attention to this is important when planning your studies.
Please also notice, that Xamk degree students can enrol on this course only via Peppi or Tuudo.
Learning outcomes:
- You are able to express yourself in versatile Finnish in everyday and working life situations both orally and in writing.
- You are able to follow conversation, write texts following templates and communicate spontaneously in versatile everyday and working life situations.
- You have command of different phrases, structures and vocabulary (CEFR level A.2.2). You have command of basic vocabulary of your own professional field.
- You are familiar with a large variety of grammatical features, like how to use tenses, plural forms and compare adjectives.
- You are able to expand your vocabulary and knowledge of language usage also independently using different sources.
- You can display familiarity in Finnish culture and working life.
Contents and methods:
- Which phrases and what kind of vocabulary and grammatical knowledge you need for everyday and working communication and for understanding and writing texts with varying topics?
- Which sources and tools you can use in order to continue your Finnish studies during the course and also independently?
- How to use your cultural and working life knowledge in communication?
There are real-time online lessons and working independently included in the course. It is required to attend the online lessons actively and complete the assignments and exams successfully. Teaching in Finnish and in English. Real-time online lessons twice a week. The lessons will not be recorded. Realtime lessons are organised:
- 17.1.-22.2. and 28.3.-26.4. at 2:30-4 pm on Tuesdays and at 2:30-3:30 pm on Wednesdays and
- 7.3.-22.3. at 4:30 – 6 pm on Tuesdays and at 4:30-5:30 pm on Wednesdays.
There will be two exams in the course. Both exams must be passed. It is possible to (re)write a non-written or not passed exam twice. The dates will be given at the beginning of the course. All the assignments must be submitted during the course, following the given schedule. It is not possible to submit any assignments after the course.
The course covers 5 ECTS credits, totalling 135 hours of student work. The number of hours is theoretical and varies according to student effort.
Study material:
- Gehring, S. and Heinzmann, S. Suomen mestari 2. Suomen kielen oppikirja aikuisille. Helsinki: Finnlectura. Chapters 5 – 8.
- Note! Old edition.
Assessment methods and criteria:
The assessment is based on assignments completed successfully and active attendance. There will be two midterm exams.
Assessment scale:
Transcript of records will be delivered upon request by email in PDF form.
This course is based on the curricula of Xamk's degree programmes and the Finnish credits are fully compatible with the ECTS.
Additional information on enrolment:
Open University of Applied Sciences office, openstudies@xamk.fi.
Terms of cancellation:
You can cancel your enrolment free of charge 30 days before the course starts. If you have not cancelled by the due date, we will charge the full cost of the course. Cancellation by email to openstudies@xamk.fi.
Before the course starts, you'll receive a course invitation by email.
Please note that there can be changes in the course details in terms of the timetable and teachers, for example.
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences is audited by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC).