
Course calendar

Beginners´ Finnish 1 (nonstop start), 2 ECTS cr

Online studies
01.04.2025 - 01.06.2025

Beginners´ Finnish 2 (nonstop start), 3 ECTS cr

Online studies
01.04.2025 - 01.07.2025

Culture Finland (nonstop start), 3 ECTS cr

Online studies
01.04.2025 - 01.06.2025

Climate change (nonstop-start), 5 ECTS cr

Online studies
01.04.2025 - 01.06.2025

Destination Finland (nonstop start), 5 ECTS cr

Online studies
01.04.2025 - 01.06.2025

Empowering youth (nonstop start), 5 ECTS cr

Online studies
01.04.2025 - 01.06.2025

Tourism safety management (nonstop start), 5 ECTS cr

Online studies
01.04.2025 - 01.06.2025

Introduction to Video Games Creation, 1-35 ECTS cr

Online studies
01.04.2025 - 31.12.2025

Courses in Finnish

Browse our course offering in Finnish

Studying at Pulse

Read more about enrolment, course fees and study policies.

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email: openstudies(a)

Course Calendar instructions

Please notice that Xamk degree students cannot enrol on courses via Pulse course calendar.

Browse our course offeringS!

You can find our versatile course offering on Pulse course calendar. The courses are listed  by start date. First are listed the courses with the closest start date.

You can search and pick the courses by level, type, education sector or keyword.

The course offerings are regularly updated. Enrol separately on each course by clicking the button ‘ENROL’ and filling the enrolment form. The course will be removed from the calendar after the enrolment has ended.

By opening the course description, you can find more detailed information about course learning outcomes and contents. Completed studies can result in recognition of prior learning (RPL) if you later continue with us as a degree programme student.

Course fees are available on course description and also here.

If you have questions about enrolment, student IDs, course fees, transcripts of records and study certificates or other study policies, you can find answers on

If you need advice on planning your Pulse studies, please contact our education experts. We are happy to help you in English and in Finnish! Unfortunately, our customer service is not available in other languages. You can contact us

Please notice that Xamk degree students cannot enrol on courses via Pulse course calendar.


Search results appear in the order of the last date of enrollment. Therefore, first courses in Course Calendar search results, are the ones in which enrolment is closing soon.

We also offer nonstop-courses, where the last date of enrolment is marked at the end of the calendar year, but we do accept enrolments on these nonstop-courses every month.


Enter a search word or part of a search word and click SEARCH.

  • The search word searches from the titles or certain keywords defined for the courses.
  • You can get better search results by writing only part of the word.

Click the keyword below the search fields and click SEARCH.

  • As a result, you get courses that are related to the subject area of that keyword.

Remember to click RESET between searches.



  • Bachelor level – Courses can be recognized as a part of Bachelor’s degree.
  • Master level – Courses can be recognized as a part of Master’s degree.


  • Online studies courses that are carried out online.
  • Nonstop start online courses that you can start on nonstop basis, within a week after enrolment.
  • Diploma of Higher Education consists of multidisciplinary entities, extent 60 ECTS credits. The Diploma of Higher Education is not a degree in terms of Finnish education system.
  • OODI studies read more about OODI studies – Xamk
  • UAS route studies for vocational students read more in Finnish Väyläopinnot ammattiin opiskeleville – Xamk.
  • Path studies The idea of open path studies is to study the first year of Bachelor/Master degree studies among degree students as an Open UAS student. The aim is to complete a certain amount of credits after you can apply for degree studies on the basis of the credits you have completed.
  • UAS route studies for general upper secondary students Read more in Finnish Väyläopinnot lukiolaisille – Xamk

Education sector

  • Choosing this option gives you courses by education sector as result. You can choose between: Languages and communication, Health care, Suitable for all degrees, Tourism and hospitality management, Business, Sports and rehabilitation, Information technology, Social services, Environmental engineering and forestry, Humanities and education, Technology and Culture.


  • Most of our courses are carried out online. If there are contact lessons, the options in this search include Xamk campus towns in Finland: Kotka, Kouvola, Mikkeli and Savonlinna.
  • There is also an option Other locations, which include our online courses.