Time: Students can start their studies approximately within a week after enrolling on this course. The estimated time for completing this course is 3 months. 
Place: Online studies
Extent: 5 ECTS credits
Number of study places:
Target group: Everyone interested in the topic
Lecturers: Course is completed independently

Credited in degree at Xamk: All Bachelor level degrees at Xamk
Area of competence mentioned in Curriculum: Optional studies
Enrolment by: 1.10.2023. (students can start their studies approximately within a week after enrolling on this course.)
Price: Free of charge

Note that you can enrol for Open UAS studies at the maximum of 50 ECTS credits per semester. One person’s enrolments exceeding 50 ECTS credits are deleted in the enrolment order. Paying attention to this is important when planning your studies.

Please also notice, that
Xamk degree students cannot enrol on Open UAS courses.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of this course, students should be able to

  • Know and apply the most important tools and techniques used to create compelling customer experiences like Design Thinking Method
  • Know and be able to use in creating customer experiences the latest research on consumer behavior, human decision making
  • Know the difference between B2C and B2B settings and its implication for CEM
  • Know and apply the strategy of CEM in marketing and management in general
  • Know how to analyze and create the customer journey map

Contents and methods:

Customer experience is an integrated customer assessment of all aspects of its interaction with the company based on his emotional perception and rational analysis. Customer Experience Management (CEM) is becoming an increasingly important factor in a company's long-term success, having a direct impact on brand perception, customer loyalty, and retaining customers.

Nowadays customers play an active role in interactions with companies taking part in value creation. This transformation requires from companies to shift their thinking and practices towards customer experience management and co-creation and build new management processes and organizational capabilities for building outstanding customer experience and co-creating value.

This course is designed to know how to successfully manage clients and tactfully build their journey. Based on real life experiences, this course will help you focus on where it really matters as it is not always what you may think.

This course is carried out in Learn digital environment. It is designed to provide participants with the management and customer service skills required to succeed in a service management career. This course contains an online study material, individual online tests and the final test.

The course covers 5 ECTS credits, totalling 135 hours of student work. The number of hours is theoretical and varies according to student effort.

Please notice! This course is identical with the course AV00ER69 Customer experience management (2021/2022)!

Study material: 

Study material pages are designed to help you find the valuable learning material.


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It is recommended to start with Service design 1 course.

Transcript of records will be delivered by request by email in PDF form.

This course is based on the curricula of Xamk's degree programmes and the Finnish credits are fully compatible with the ECTS.

Additional information on enrolment:
Open University of Applied Sciences office, email: openstudies@xamk.fi.

Terms of cancellation: 
If you are not able to participate in the course, please let us know as soon as possible by email openstudies@xamk.fi.

Before the course starts, you'll receive an invitation by email to this course.

Please note that there can be changes in the course details in terms of the timetable and teachers, for example.

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South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences is audited by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC).

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